domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

E dormir, não?

Eis-me de volta do Alentejo e com umas olheiras jeitosas...
Devido às constantes insónias de que tenho sofrido na última semana, conjugada com outros factores, a minha capacidade e vontade de escrever alguma coisa aqui tem sido nula.
No entanto, permitiu-me tirar fotos que considero bastante boas (modéstia à parte) e tratá-las num instantinho... Daqui a pouco já as ponho aqui.
Por agora, e dado que a vontade de deixar aqui uma parvoíce continua a ser nula, deixo aqui um belíssimo tema dos Eels, que me toca particularmente...

Eels - I'm Going to Stop Pretending that I Didn't Break Your Heart

I'm gonna tell you what you need to hear
And I'm a little too late
By three or four years
And it may not make much sense
Now that we are apart
But I'm going to stop pretending
That I didn't break your heart

You see I never thought enough of myself
To realize that losing me could mean
Something like the tears in your eyes
And I want to tell you I'm sorry
And it's too late to start
But I'm going to stop pretending
That I didn't break your heart

And it's christmas eve
Years down the line
Sitting here wishing I'd treated you better
When you were mine
And I have no way of knowing where you are
But I'm going to stop pretending
That I didn't break your heart

I didn't mean to hurt you
I didn't know what I was doing
But I know what I have done

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